August, 2012
I have had the privilege of working along side Gary and Alberta Pizzitola as they faithfully served men and women preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. They have an excellent understanding of Catholic teaching, most especially in the area of the Sacraments of Holy Matrimony. They are faithful Catholics, devoted to the Church and the practice of their faith. They have a strong marriage, are loving parents and caring grandparents. As the divorce rate in the United States continues to rise, and the Sacrament of Marriage is under attack, I believe it necessary for couples to be given all the necessary tools to help make their marriages as strong as possible. Gary and Alberta’s expertise in this area will help to strengthen marriages as well as prepare couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. I highly recommend Gary and Alberta Pizzitola’s program “Holy Catholic Marriage”.+Most Reverend James S. WallBishop of Gallup
August, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,The prayerful, faith-filled marital work of Dr. Gary and Alberta Pizzitola is grounded in the wisdom of the Church. Our Church and world need not only long-lived marriages, but holy marriages. It just so happens that marriages growing in holiness are the marriages that experience most meaning, and most joy.
I enthusiastically recommend Holy Catholic Marriage to Catholic couples needing wise counsel and to pastors seeking authentically Catholic marriage guides for their parishioners.
May the Lord bless you with His love and mercy.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Thomas J. OlmstedBishop of Phoenix